About the Court

Most recently incorporated in 1950, the City of Breckenridge Hills is located along the St. Charles Rock Road corridor. Like the other courts in St. Louis County, the City of Breckenridge Hills Municipal Court is a division of the 21st Judicial Circuit Court (St. Louis County) of Missouri. The Municipal Court handles traffic and other municipal code/ordinance violations filed by the Breckenridge Hills Police Department. Located at 9623 St. Charles Rock Road, the Court is surrounded by Glentown Lane. More information can be found on the Court’s website here.
If you are charged with a DUI or other criminal violation in Breckenridge Hills, contact an experienced Municipal Court attorney to assist you with your case. A criminal conviction can have serious consequences including a criminal record, driving restrictions, and increased insurance rates. In addition, a criminal record can restrict your access to certain jobs, government benefits, schooling, and the rights you have as a citizen. Whether this is your first run-in with the law, or if you have been arrested in the past, it is crucial to have an experienced attorney at your side. Call Markwell Law today at 636-486-1093 for a free consultation.
Common Violation in Brechenridge Hills
- Assault
- Possession Charges
- Domestic Violence
- Stealing / Theft
- Trespassing
- No Insurance
- Traffic Violations