Background to “Why a Lawyer”
Why a lawyer? As a child growing up in the area, I had a regular middle-class life in which both of my parents worked to support the family, teaching me and my brother right from wrong, strong mid-west morals, and the importance of standing up not only for ourselves but for others. Be it facing the schoolyard bully or government and big corporations, I fight for those who seem overwhelmed.
I attended Pattonville High School before heading to college and law school. After earning a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree I received my Ph.D. from Campbell University in North Carolina and gained more than a decade of legal experience practicing in Seattle, Washington. My family and I returned to Missouri in 2010
I have represented clients charged with everything from Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) to First Degree Murder. Every case is different because every client is different. I understand that to my clients, their case is the most important. Their case needs and deserves to be treated that way; each of our clients is number one. We take a very limited number of clients to ensure that each client gets the representation they deserve.
I’ve seen family and close friends go through the problems you are facing. I’ve been witness to seeing good people accused of things they simply did not do, feeling that society was now against them, simply because of the allegation. I’ve seen folks close to me in such financial binds, that there was seemingly no way out, though, there was. I know that there is light at the end of this tunnel, but you have to stay focused and fight to get there.
Financial/legal troubles can be one of the most stressful and intimidating times in a person’s life. Financial problems in one area of a person’s life will eventually affect the other areas of their life if they are not dealt with. Please let me help you achieve a fresh start to your future by discussing your options with you today. You have rights; do not let anyone talk you out of them.
Why Do I Do This Job?
I hear this question all the time. That, or “How can you represent people like that?” I find these questions to be insulting to our system of justice. Last I looked, we are all still innocent until proven guilty. I represent those who find themselves alone, accused, many times unpopular, and many times, falsely accused. Why do I do this job? Because next time accusations arise it may be me, and I would pray that someone out there cared enough about justice to fight for me. I fight for my clients, no matter what! This is their right and my duty as a citizen. We should all be fighting for justice because if we deny it, we could someday lose it.
Good people never imagine that they could be arrested and charged with a crime. Unfortunately, and against the ideals set forth by our Founding Fathers, many assume that anyone who is arrested must be a criminal.
The problem: One too many drinks at the office party, a misunderstanding with another person, or even simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time, can lead to being arrested and charged with a criminal offense. Being arrested is usually one of the scariest moments in a person’s life — your liberty is taken away and you face the prospect of months or years of incarceration. If you are facing jail time, fines, probation, loss of license, and the many other consequences that come with a criminal conviction, then you need competent, aggressive, affordable representation. The representation you can count on when you need it the most.
A Bit About My Philosophy:
We don’t have fancy marble columns, we don’t have the 30th floor downtown, and we don’t have the finest artwork our client’s money can buy. I work for only a few people at a time, and I keep the cost to my clients reasonable because I keep my overhead to a minimum. If you are looking for an attorney to impress you with his five-thousand-dollar suit, Picasso in the lobby, and a Tesla in the parking lot, I’d suggest you go elsewhere. The attorney-client relationship is a two-way avenue, built on trust, communication, respect, and caring. I choose my clients, and my clients choose me, to help them. It has to be that way. If it is not a mutual relationship, it is not an effective relationship.
Don’t let another day go by without having a zealous attorney protecting your future.
Markwell Law, LLC1093 Peruque Crossing Ct. Ste B,O’Fallon, MO 63366636-486-1093